

The WaterReporter API is a RESTful data programming interface. You can send OPTIONS, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE requests. Remember that some of these methods are protected. In order to access them you’ll need to be properly authenticated. Your user account will also need to have the appropriate permissions.

Your First Request

In the example below we will simple send a request to If you’ve sent a GET request to this endpoint, you should receive a 200 status code response with a Welcome message.

Method URL Authentication
GET None

If you are unfamiliar with making HTTP requests please see our Making Requests section below.


Field Description
code The status code response sent with the response
message Feedback telling you what to do next
status A human friendly version of the Status Code
  "code": 200, 
  "message": "Welcome to the WaterReporterAPI, to learn more about the api visit", 
  "status": "200 OK"

Making Requests

We like to use a handy little desktop application called PAW to make our API development simpler. However, here are a few other ways to access the API.


curl -X "GET" ""


# Install the Python Requests library:
# `pip install requests`

import requests

def send_request():
        r = requests.get(
        print('Response HTTP Status Code : {status_code}'.format(status_code=r.status_code))
        print('Response HTTP Response Body : {content}'.format(content=r.content))
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        print('HTTP Request failed')


    url: "",
    type: "GET",
.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Succeeded: " + jqXHR.status);
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Failed");
.always(function() {
    /* ... */


Authenticating with the WaterReporting API requires a User account. We will cover User registration below.

New User Registration


Method URL Authentication

Request Data (JSON)

Name Description
email The email address the user wishes to register with
password The password selected by the user

Example Request

    url: "",
    type: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json",
    data: JSON.stringify({
        "email": "",
        "password": "mypassword"
.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Succeeded: " + jqXHR.status);
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Failed");
.always(function() {
    /* ... */

Remote Login

Request URL

Method URL Authentication

Request Parameters

Name Expected Value Description
response_type “token” The type of response you would like to get. token should be your parameter value
client_id string:client_id The generated Client ID within the system
redirect_uri string:redirect_uri The Redirect URI entered when the Client ID was created
scope “user” The scope of permissions we are attempting to access
state “json” The state we would like our response to be return in

Request Data (JSON)

Name Description
email The email address the user registered with
password The password the user registered with
    url: "",
    type: "POST",
    data: {
        "response_type": "token",
        "client_id": "QG92Aa2ejWqiYW43I08r6lhSyKVnK1gDN2xrrykU",
        "redirect_uri": "",
        "scope": "user",
        "state": "json",
    contentType: "application/json",
    data: JSON.stringify({
        "email": "",
        "password": "mypassword"
.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Succeeded: " + jqXHR.status);
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Failed");
.always(function() {
    /* ... */


User Feature Structure

Field Type Description
id integer A system field containing unique identifier for interacting with this User
confirmed_at timestamp A system field containing the timestamp on which this User was added to the WaterReporter API
is_active boolean A system field containing a Boolean value to signify if the User is or is not active or “allowed to login to the system”


Reports are submitted by WaterKeepers, non-profit groups, and citizens. Individual reports hold user, image, comment, and geospatial information.

Report Feature Structure

Field Type Description
id integer A system field containing unique identifier for interacting with this Report
created timestamp A system field containing the timestamp on which this Report was added to the WaterReporter API
updated timestamp A system field containing the last timestamp this Report feature was modified in some way
status varchar A system field containing the status of the Feature in the system. If not Authentication is provided, only public Report objects will be returned in the repsonse. To expand the returned objects to include private, draft, and crowdsourced Report objects you must submit a valid access_token or Authorization header with your request. The associated User account must also have appropriate permissions.
owner integer A system field containing the unique identifier of the User, if any that originally submitted the Report
geometry geography A valid GeoJSON GEOMETRY COLLECTION containing user submitted POINT data
description text A field containing user submitted comments and hashtags
pollution boolean A boolean indentifying whether or not the Report should be considered a Pollution report or not

Report Feature Collection [GET MANY]

Anyone can request the GET MANY endpoint for Report features. The Report features return in the response vary depending on authentication and individual user permissions.

User Permissions

User Response
Anonymous Access Report features with a status of public
Citizen Access Report features with a report.status of public and any Report feature where report.owner matches their
WaterKeeeper Access all Report features regardless of report.status


Method URL Authentication
GET Optional


Field Type Description
num_results integer The total number of Report objects returned from the original request
objects array The individual Report features returned
page integer The current page
total_pages integer The total number of available pages containing Report features
  "num_results": 0, 
  "objects": [
  "page": 1, 
  "total_pages": 0

Report Feature [GET SINGLE]

Anyone can request the GET endpoint for a single Report feature. The Report feature return in the response operates in the same way the GET MANY request operates.

User Permissions

User Response
Anonymous Access Report features with a status of public
Citizen Access Report features with a report.status of public or any Report feature where report.owner matches their
WaterKeeeper Access all Report features regardless of report.status or report.owner field


Method URL Authentication
GET Optional


  "comments": [], 
  "created": null, 
  "description": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 0, 
  "owner": null, 
  "pollution": null, 
  "status": null, 
  "updated": null

Report Feature [POST]

User Permissions

Anyone may POST a report to this endpoint


Method URL Authentication
GET Optional


  "comments": [], 
  "created": null, 
  "description": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 0, 
  "owner": null, 
  "pollution": null, 
  "status": null, 
  "updated": null

Report Feature [PATCH]

Disabled under the current API version.

Report Feature [PUT]

Disabled under the current API version.


Organizations can be submitted by WaterKeepers, non-profit groups, and other admins.

Organization Feature Structure

Field Type Description
id integer A system field containing unique identifier for interacting with this Organization
created timestamp A system field containing the timestamp on which this Organization was added to the WaterReporter API
updated timestamp A system field containing the last timestamp this Organization feature was modified in some way
status varchar A system field containing the status of the Feature in the system.
geometry geography A valid GeoJSON GEOMETRY COLLECTION containing user submitted POINT data
name text A field containing the name of the Organization
phone text A field containing the phone number of the Organization
email text A field containing the email address of the Organization
website text A field containing the website of the Organization

Organization Feature Collection [GET MANY]

Anyone can request the GET MANY endpoint for Organization features. The Organization features return in the response vary depending on authentication and individual user permissions.

User Permissions

User Response
Anonymous Access Organization features with a status of public
Citizen Access Organization features with an organization.status of public and any Organization feature where organization.users contains the current Users user object
WaterKeeeper Access all Organization features regardless of organization.status


Method URL Authentication
GET Optional


Field Type Description
num_results integer The total number of Organization objects returned from the original request
objects array The individual Organization features returned
page integer The current page
total_pages integer The total number of available pages containing Organization features
  "num_results": 0, 
  "objects": [
  "page": 1, 
  "total_pages": 0

Organization Feature [GET SINGLE]

Anyone can request the GET endpoint for a single Organization feature. The Organization feature return in the response operates in the same way the GET MANY request operates.

User Permissions

User Response
Anonymous Access Organization features with a status of public
Citizen Access Organization features with an organization.status of public and any Organization feature where organization.users contains the current Users user object
WaterKeeeper Access all Organization features regardless of organization.status


Method URL Authentication
GET Optional


  "created": null, 
  "email": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 1, 
  "name": null, 
  "phone": null, 
  "status": null, 
  "updated": null, 
  "users": [
      "active": true, 
      "confirmed_at": null, 
      "email": "", 
      "id": 0, 
      "name": "", 
  "website": null

Organization Feature [POST]

User Permissions

Only Users with the admin role may create new Organizations within WaterReporter.


Method URL Authentication
GET Required


  "created": null, 
  "email": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 1, 
  "name": null, 
  "phone": null, 
  "status": null, 
  "updated": null, 
  "users": [
      "active": true, 
      "confirmed_at": null, 
      "email": "", 
      "id": 0, 
      "name": "", 
  "website": null

Report Feature [PATCH]

User Permissions

Only Users with the admin role may create new Organizations within WaterReporter and are listed in the organization.users array may request the PATCH endpoint.


Method URL Authentication
GET Required


  "created": null, 
  "email": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 1, 
  "name": null, 
  "phone": null, 
  "status": null, 
  "updated": null, 
  "users": [
      "active": true, 
      "confirmed_at": null, 
      "email": "", 
      "id": 0, 
      "name": "", 
  "website": null

Report Feature [PUT]

User Permissions

Only Users with the admin role may create new Organizations within WaterReporter and are listed in the organization.users array may request the PATCH endpoint.


Method URL Authentication
GET Required


  "created": null, 
  "email": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 1, 
  "name": null, 
  "phone": null, 
  "status": null, 
  "updated": null, 
  "users": [
      "active": true, 
      "confirmed_at": null, 
      "email": "", 
      "id": 0, 
      "name": "", 
  "website": null


Comments can be submitted by WaterKeepers, non-profit groups, and citizens.

Comment Feature Structure

Field Type Description
id integer A system field containing unique identifier for interacting with this Comment
created timestamp A system field containing the timestamp on which this Comment was added to the WaterReporter API
updated timestamp A system field containing the last timestamp this Comment feature was modified in some way
status varchar A system field containing the status of the Feature in the system.
geometry geography A valid GeoJSON GEOMETRY COLLECTION containing user submitted POINT data
owner integer A system field containing the unique identifier of the User, if any that originally submitted the Report
body text A field containing the actual comment

Comment Feature Collection [GET MANY]

Anyone can request the GET MANY endpoint for Comment features. The Comment features return in the response vary depending on authentication and individual user permissions.

User Permissions

User Response
Anonymous Access Comment features with a status of public
Citizen Access Comment features with an Comment.status of public and any Comment feature where Comment.owner contains the current Users
WaterKeeeper Access all Comment features regardless of Comment.status


Method URL Authentication
GET Optional


Field Type Description
num_results integer The total number of Comment objects returned from the original request
objects array The individual Comment features returned
page integer The current page
total_pages integer The total number of available pages containing Comment features
  "num_results": 0, 
  "objects": [
  "page": 1, 
  "total_pages": 0

Comment Feature [GET SINGLE]

Anyone can request the GET endpoint for a single Comment feature. The Comment feature return in the response operates in the same way the GET MANY request operates.

User Permissions

User Response
Anonymous Access Comment features with a status of public
Citizen Access Comment features with an Comment.status of public and any Comment feature where Comment.owner contains the current Users
WaterKeeeper Access all Comment features regardless of Comment.status


Method URL Authentication
GET Optional


  "created": null, 
  "email": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 1, 
  "status": null, 
  "body": null, 
  "owner": null

Comment Feature [POST]

User Permissions

User Response
Anonymous 403 Forbidden
Citizen Citizen’s may POST to the Comment endpoint and their will be added as the comment.owner
WaterKeeeper Admin’s may POST to the Comment endpoint and their will be added as the comment.owner


Method URL Authentication
GET Required


  "created": null, 
  "email": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 1, 
  "status": null, 
  "body": null, 
  "owner": null

Report Feature [PATCH]

User Permissions

User Response
Anonymous 403 Forbidden
Citizen Update the Comment feature if current User’s field is equal to the comment.owner field
WaterKeeeper Update any Comment


Method URL Authentication
GET Required


  "created": null, 
  "email": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 1, 
  "status": null, 
  "body": null, 
  "owner": null

Report Feature [PUT]

User Permissions

User Response
Anonymous 403 Forbidden
Citizen Update the Comment feature if current User’s field is equal to the comment.owner field
WaterKeeeper Update any Comment


Method URL Authentication
GET Required


  "created": null, 
  "email": null, 
  "geometry": null, 
  "id": 1, 
  "status": null, 
  "body": null, 
  "owner": null


The WaterReporter API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request sucks
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden – The report requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found – The specified report could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a report with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
410 Gone – The report requested has been removed from our servers
418 I’m a teapot
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many report! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.